Serve in NextGen

Thanks so much for inquiring about serving in our Next Generation ministry! Our NextGen Ministries include our Kids at The Mill (birth-5th graders) and Students at The Mill ministry (6th-12th graders). This page is designed to ensure clarity in communication and expectations of what it looks like to serve as a volunteer in NextGen.

A Message from Our NextGen Pastor, Dr. Tripp Atkinson


Serve in NextGen Ministries

Thanks So Much For Inquiring About Serving In Our NextGen Ministries (Birth - 12th Grade). NextGen Ministries Includes The Following Ministry Areas:

  • Preschool (Birth - Kindergarten)
  • Elementary (1st - 3rd grade)
  • Preteen (4th & 5th grade)
  • Middle School (6th - 8th grade)
  • High School (9th - 12th grade)
  • All Access (Special Needs)
  • Creative Arts (Creative Arts Camp / Ministry)
  • NextGen Special Events

This webpage is designed to ensure clarity in communication and expectations of what it looks like to serve as a volunteer in NextGen Ministries.
It is the purpose and intent of Church at The Mill to provide a safe, secure environment to teach and care for the preschoolers, children, and students of the church. The physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual safety of our preschoolers, children, and students is our highest priority. All of the following requirements and processes exist to ensure this purpose and intent is met with the utmost excellence.

NextGen Adult Volunteer Requirements


Our Policies and Beliefs

Lifestyle Covenant

As a NextGen Adult Leader, know that you are in a leadership position and will be a role model for kids and students. As such, it is important that you represent the values and beliefs of Church at The Mill.

Interacting With Minors

The following is an overview of CATM’s policy on working with minors. These guidelines apply to all adults (staff or volunteer) working with minors (or any child/student) at Church at The Mill. The purpose of these guidelines is to protect our children, students, families, volunteers, staff, church, and the integrity of ministry to our children / students. Training on all policies and procedures will be a part of the onboarding process for new Adult Volunteer Leaders. 

Statement Of Beliefs

As a NextGen leader of Church at The Mill, we ask that you represent the beliefs and values of our church leadership. Below is our statement of beliefs. 


Onboarding & Placement of New Leaders

  • 1. Observation

    Upon successful completion of Screening and Training, Adult Volunteer Leaders will be scheduled to observe programming in their area of interest. Adult Volunteer Leaders will typically be asked to observe for two weeks.

  • 2. Assessment

    After two weeks of observation, the volunteer will meet with CATM staff to review their observation experience and discuss ministry placement.

  • 3. Commitment/Scheduling

    If both volunteer and staff feel good about moving forward with placement, a commitment will be made by the volunteer and they will be scheduled for ministry service. Except for special events, NextGen staff will typically seek a one-year commitment from leaders. (Of course, if the ministry placement is not a good fit, it can be changed at any time.)

  • 4. Continued Development

    CATM’s commitment to all Adult Volunteer Leaders is to provide ongoing training and development. Our commitment is to put each leader in the best possible position to succeed and find fulfillment in ministry. NextGen staff will provide regular team training meetings as well as online resources.

Fill Out Your Application!

Start the process today and apply to become a NextGen Volunteer.

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