Student Worship Application

We’re excited that you’re interested in being a part of Student Worship at Church at The Mill at our Moore campus! Our desire is to help you steward your gifts for the glory of God while leading students in worship each week with authenticity and excellence. With that in mind, there is a process for auditioning to be a part of the student vocal team and/or band. Please read more and apply below.

Weekly Schedule

This week at a glance provides an idea of time commitment and expectations when scheduled for the student worship vocal team and band.

Wednesday Rehearsals: 5:00-6:00 PM

Wednesday Midweek: 6-8 PM

Student Vocal Team & Band Overview

2024-2025 Auditions

Fall: Sept 8, 2024

Spring: January 19, 2025

Team Commitment And Expectations

Our goal is to worship in Spirit and in truth. Authenticity and excellence are at the core of what we do, and preparation, planning, and practice are the action steps that guide us to that place each week. Vocal Team and Band, therefore, require a certain level of commitment on various levels.


The following areas are vital within these teams:

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Before Beginning the Process...

We ask that you:

Prayerfully consider your involvement.

Please read the following information completely, as it contains vital information for anyone interested in any of our auditioned teams.

Please note, once you have read through the following information, filled out, and submitted the application, our worship staff will contact you about your application and our next available audition date.


The Student Vocal Team and Band are both considered higher tiers of leadership within our Student Ministry and are very visible positions of leadership in the Student body. Because of this, we believe a full understanding of, commitment to, and agreement with the vision and culture of Church at the Mill are necessary. This happens through weekly on-campus worship service attendance, small groups, ongoing discipleship, and covenant membership, all of which are standards to work toward at this level of leadership. If these requirements are not possible for you at this time, please consider the alternative of beginning your journey with us by becoming a part of our Student Choir on Sunday Nights at Creative Praise Students.

Spiritual Preparation

Worship on the student platform is the overflow of a lifestyle of worship. Worship on the student platform should be in response to the personal spiritual intimacy with Jesus you have pursued throughout the other six days of the week. How can we lead students where we haven’t gone ourselves?

Musical Preparation

Rehearsals are most beneficial when everyone has spent time with the music- listening, practicing, memorizing. For teamwork to happen effectively, we rely on each person to learn and play/sing their part accordingly. Anyone holding a mic must know how to hold their pitch in tune and be able to sing your part correctly. Instrumentalists must know how to tune your instrument and stay in tune while playing.


Keeping attitudes positive amidst complicated moments, whether technical, musical, or otherwise, helps maintain healthy morale among the team. Be open to guidance from student worship staff. Our desire is to help each member of the team reach their potential while worshipping with authenticity and excellence. Patience and humility benefit everyone.


Everyone’s time is valuable. Being on time for rehearsals allows them to run efficiently. Being on time communicates respect for the ministry, team, and the Lord. Promptly communicating delays is helpful.


The student worship staff always try to give adequate notice of schedule or setlist changes. While it is not uncommon for these changes to take place, it is only done when necessary. Flexibility is key.


The student worship ministry dress code is in place to ensure we do not distract from what the Lord is doing during worship. Stage-appropriate dress may be different than some of our typical everyday choices, but it still leaves room for style expression. Wardrobe guidelines are in place to help all of us keep our focus on Jesus.

Audition Process

Once you submit your application, the Student worship staff will contact you in regard to an audition time and what you will need to prepare along with your song and track to practice.

Auditions by nature can seem a little intimidating. Please know we are for you! And we try to make the process as relaxed as possible. In some cases, it may be evident that an applicant’s skills have not developed enough to serve on a regularly scheduled basis. Should this be the case, advice will be given on how the applicant can improve and opportunities available to assist growth. After some time and practice, another audition may be scheduled. The student worship staff will communicate with each individual the week following the audition about the best steps forward for that person.

Final Steps Before Serving

Prior to being scheduled to serve on these teams, we require brief training. Our Student Ministry requires the use of Planning Center, an online service planning website where all team members, songs, and student service flow are scheduled and posted. Vocal team/band members need to be able to access chord charts, music, and mp3’s of songs we will be using in Student worship. We gladly assist members in getting connected with this free service.

The staff is in charge of scheduling vocalists and instrumentalists. The frequency will vary according to ministry needs.

Fill Out Your Application

Thank You For Taking The Time To Read All Of The Important Information You Need To Know About Our Student Worship Ministry. Please Take The Next Step In Filling Out This Application.

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